Thursday, May 11, 2006

Love it with my ankles around my ears!

Took my first Trufi last night getting home from my first English lesson to three Korean kids out in Tiquipaya, a very northwest Barrio of Cochabamba. Trufis are taxis that charge about the same as a city bus but pack as many people in as possible. I found myself in the front seat, which was nice for a while; just me and the grumpy old driver (no wonder: he couldn´t see much of the road for the very large cosmetic banner across his windscreen!). But then, as the back seat filled up and there was only room for one more in the front I began praying that I didn´t have to ride shotgun... Then someone else hailed... and I found myself struggling between the driver fondling my leg in an attempt to change gears and the portly fellow who dragged his kitchen sink (or whatever was in his bulging bolsa) in to fondly stroke my cheekbones...

It was fun though: "Oh!! Globos! Pare! Pare por favor!!"

And only uno cincuenta!

There you go.


1 comment:

påt®iciå said...

Globos? why globos?
Don’t complain, you are having fun, Cochabamba is a nice place to live, then you won’t want to leave…