Saturday, May 13, 2006

"¡Anybody in the road gets knocked over!"

I reminisced like crazy yesterday as I negotiated my way across the ginormous roundabout north of the ciudad principal when that cloudy memory haze began to appear in front of me (not a haze you need right there in the middle of cars all going the wrong direction) and there I was, back at St. Mary´s Primary School, grade 2, and Keiran Glynn, (yep, I´m naming names here! How unethical!!!) Warren McKaskill, Steven Hazel, Damian McGrath, Christopher Fladgate, Michael McLeish, Simon Healy and even sometimes ME would be marching around the school yard, right at you, arm in arm, shouting "Anybody in the road gets knocked over! Anybody in the road gets knocked over! Anybody in the road gets knocked over!" and heaven help anybody who was in the way... and then that haze went away and the car horn said exactly the same thing. That´s all.

1 comment:

Janice said...

Glad to see you naming names.....What do you mean when you were in grade 2...Me and the kids still do it today.

Love ya