Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Sloth, and other sins...


A worthy pursuit.

As TISM noted sagaciously - I'm interested in apathy.

And can anybody guess (without flogging it around on the blog site!!) who this horoscope entry refers to (aside from me)?

CapricornYour patience with a flighty friend could be running thin. It may seem as though this pal is more interested in looking good to newcomers than in honoring old promises. Give your friend a wake-up call today, and remind her or him of your history -- and about some important obligations. This conversation will alert you to one or two new facts that could explain recent behavior -- but do these facts excuse that behavior? Don't fall for tall tales.

Suffice to say, I'm meeting with him/her today... I love my horoscope. It's all true!!


Anonymous said...

I can't be bothered commenting on this one.

holly said...

Don't fall for tall tales, Michael.