Friday, April 21, 2006

O.k. Everyone, from the top...

Now how´s this for a horoscope reading! (just to blow my own pan-flute.

CapricornWhether you help your elderly neighbor carry groceries or you volunteer to paint the local grade school, you always feel best if you're giving of yourself. There are thousands of opportunities to volunteer, and by taking any one of them, you'll be making a big difference in your community. And this will make a big difference in how you feel about yourself.

AND I just helped a guy wheel his enormous habitación-sized mobile candy store up an awkward curb (read: ANY Cochabambino curb!)

AND it´s not so bad here in Cbba, and my house is certainly modern enough for my head to deal with, but anything older than 20 years and I´m in trouble... (see photo, the one on the left, indicating that I can now upload more than one photo per post...) and apologies for the sideways glances at you all, but there´s nothing I can do about the horizontal images...


Janice said...

Hey, Gee you look good. Glad to see that you are ok???

Correspondiente Boliviano said...

Do the question marks in your reply indicate that you´re unsure whether you´re glad to see that I´m o.k.? Or that you´re unsure that I´m o.k. despite the fact that I look and sound it?

Yep, I´m o.k. More in the next post.

Correspondiente Boliviano said...

Thanks Millennium. Steamy soup nights. Ahh, I remember them well.