Monday, August 13, 2007

Geez, "crappy gifts" looks bad, don't it?

Just to clarify a point in my previous post about that "crappy gifts" comment - it means that they are primary gifts because these friends are primary people where but the fact is that I had a minimum of dinero, entonces gifts that do not correlate to their standing as friends and for that I apologise to them and to all my friends, whom I call primary now, as apposed to the "A, B, C and D" list some may remember I used to carry around in my pocket and which many of you rightfully adjusted to reflect the true nature of your friendships with me (usually "upward"...)

Australia today:

-the pongy under-arm bar-scene (due to the lack of cigarette smoke to cloak it)
-the overly bright supermarket labels down supermarket isles
-the stares from people in public when you say things about them that you automatically think will not be understood
-the meeting of more people who I can't keep away from but for the life of me can't give my all to
-another meat pie
-51% approval rating for John Howard over Ruddsy


Anonymous said...

Wow, that list is a great idea! Albeit a little cold, unless they are referring to (A)ustralian friends, (B)olivian friends, um where do I go with this, (C)hilean friends and possibly to keep it Latin, (D)ominican friends?

Anonymous said...

And just to continue this corny theme, I could be "upgraded" as you put it from faux-(B)olivian friend to (A)ussie friend. Nyuk nyuk.