Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I was waiting for it... He's started reading at last.

Sheesh! 'Bout time I got some 'spect from important people on this blog site (see comments under "But Then" Wed. May 2, 2007.)


Janice said...

When are you coming home???? I know that has nothing to do with your blog but the kids are asking all the time.
Love ya

Anonymous said...

Oh, so where does that leave Rupert, Janice, Marty, randoms et al if he's the first important piece of 'spect on this blog?? No no, don't try to quantify that statement, you've put it out there, now we all have to live with it and deal with it as best we can.


Correspondiente Boliviano said...

Clearly Marty, you were missing the very subtle sarcastic link with the "important people" comment.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, I was having a laugh too.

Anonymous said...

I got you wonderful brown wrapped letter the other day, I have read and blogged about it ...

and ... I say modestly ...

It is my birthday today.

Rups :)

Anonymous said...

hola miguel!
donde eres?
krista x

Janice said...

Hey Marty,
I know that I am an important person to Michael and I don't care who I say it too. And yes 6 kids now are missing Michael very much. Try listening to them when they are asking when is Michael coming home........Nice talking to you. One day we might meet.

Anonymous said...

I have no doubt that we'll all meet when our man gets home.

Best regards