Thursday, October 26, 2006

5. This is from my balcony during Cochabamba Day a while ago. (This doesn't happen on a daily basis). I was surprised that this posse of miltary posturing passed down my back street. I think some part of each section of the countless participants managed to marched down most of the streets in Cbba. Silly hats.


holly said...

If by "silly" you mean "awesome artichoke" then yes. They are silly hats. Your blog is very hat-heavy of late. Interesting trend, I think I will take a moment to analyze...

*quiet* thinks*

I believe you are seeing a lot of hats around. That's why you keep mentioning them. But where are the pictures of YOU, michael the fashionista that we know you are, in these fantastic examples of Bolivian culture?

Correspondiente Boliviano said...

What do you mean, where am I? That's me with the bowler hat on the bus!

Anonymous said...

hi micheal, jez and camille here,, sorry it's taken so long to write to you my dear friend, it's taken me this long to sit in front of the computer wiht jez for him to show me how to do it.. i hope this works and that you can read it... i must admit i haven't read every word you've posted on your site, i log on every noe and then and look out for the pictures of my favourite tall person. I also read a bit, but mainly i skim for names like fiona, ariane, etc.. i have been thinkning of you a lot though parituclarly as the weather gets warmer and ive polished my pack of cards and thier leather case in hopes of playing a few rounds at the pub one afternoon soon. we're in hobart on holiday and it's lovely, probably not as exciting as ccb but youknow... hmmm i will endevour to write more often now that i know how to do it, i feel like we're being eavesdopped on b/cause i am at the uni with my brother and jez... hmmm will have to reconvene later for some good hearty catching up.... i better go but i'll write soon.... love you mister mcm,.. love c

Anonymous said...

hola! hope you are well, i'm getting real bored here in melbourne (although right now I'm in hobart, but figuratively speaking).........

thinking of your adventures in a green envy kinda way!!!!!

take care
